Bot Development

We design and build conversational AI and structured bots for our clients.

Do you need your own app or can WhatsApp do the same thing better?

What can apps do that websites can’t? Know your location, receive push notifications, take photos, access phone contacts, live chat and have a shortcut on your phone’s home screen.

But WhatsApp (and some other chat apps) can do all of these things. And it’s already on over 2.8 billion potential customer’s phones, plus they use it every day as their preferred method of communication, especially in the emerging world. Should you be where your customers are and try to minimize the friction to them engaging with you?

We have developed many different types of bots in recent years including:

  • Generative AI bots based on customer Large Language Models including’s ChatGPT. Check out our case study of Zuzi, our ChatGBV bot.
  • Structured, multilingual informational and AI WhatsApp Bots, for example for Refugees and Illegal Migrants for our client Lawyers for Human Rights.
  • Sales and lead generation bots.
  • Transactional and eCommerce bots.

Many people are dismissive of bots, associating them with the frustrating “multiple choice” bots that large companies have tried to replace call centres with. But, especially with generative, conversational AI that can be trained on large datasets and have their own persona (tone, UX and UI are just as important with bots as they are with apps), we believe the age of the bot is coming. Especially when delivered through WhatsApp.Generative AI, informational, and sales bots are in development. 

Laptop showing the work we do
Work With Us

Have a project? Let’s Work Together!

We design, develop and help you to launch apps, websites and bots.
