
Hosting &

How much does it cost to host an app?

Nearly all apps require a database, APIs, administration panels, algorithms, reporting, content storage, AI or Large Language Models (LLMs) and third-party integrations that need to be hosted. In fact usually, the app is just the front end to capture and display content, whereas the real "thinking" is being done through the brains in the backend.

It is essential to the success of your app that your database is secure, high-performing and scalable. The risks of a security breach, slow performance or a crashing app are devastating for all apps. With the advent of legislation such as GDPR and the Protection of Personal Information Act, app owners have a lot more responsibility over protecting user data.

The good news that there are many low-cost cloud-based hosting options available that can provide the world-class security, backup, performance and scalability that your app requires. Gone are the days of running it all off a server sitting in the corner of the office!

We typically use Amazon Web Services (AWS), Google Cloud Services (including Firebase, especially for MVP), or Microsoft Azure, but each app is unique, and frequently our clients have an existing hosting infrastructure that we must integrate with. We’re really enjoying using Supabase as a highly flexible Postgres solution.

Hosting costs are generally surprisingly low and are determined by the number of users on the app as well as how data-intensive the app is. In other words, if you have a lot of video and audio content, your hosting costs will rise. You can think of hosting as a "good cost" because if it rises, it means your solution is becoming more popular. A $200 (R3,500) per month budget should be more than enough to cover hosting costs when you are getting started.

When it comes to hosting your app on the app stores, our clients typically host on our account at no cost, but you are welcome to set up your account if you prefer.

Fortunately, low-cost cloud-based hosting options offer world-class security, backup, performance, and scalability. Common hosting providers include Amazon Web Services, Google Cloud Services, and Microsoft Azure. Hosting costs depend on the number of users and data intensity, but a budget of $200 per month should suffice initially. App store hosting is typically provided by the development team, but clients can set up their own accounts if desired.
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We are a full service, full stack development agency. We design, develop and help you to launch successful apps, websites, AI solutions and bots.

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