How to use AI and ChatGPT in development

LLM and Chat GPT in particular revolutionize AI for chatbots and beyond, enabling human-like conversations and contextually relevant responses. We embrace AI's potential responsibly for cross-industry solutions driving progress and have launched several award-winning AI solutions for our clients.

How to Use AI and ChatGPT in App Development

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has emerged as a game-changing technology, revolutionizing various aspects of our lives. From enhancing efficiency in industries to enabling personalized user experiences, AI has been around for several years now. But it was the release by and the subsequent record-breaking adoption of ChatGPT and so-called generative AI that has brought AI into the public’s consciousness. We have embraced AI as a very powerful tool we can design and develop for our clients and their customers, having launched several AI client projects such as ChatGBV and i-DENT-ify. We have AI experts in our teams covering AI UX and ethical considerations, Python development and LLM/ ChatGPT integration.

One significant application of AI that is particularly powerful in Africa lies in the development of chatbots through popular front-end applications (such as WhatsApp) and the recent advancements in Large Language Models (LLMs) and natural language processing (NLP) such as those used by ChatGPT. These have opened new horizons for AI-powered conversational agents. This article explores the power of AI, focusing on how it has been harnessed in the creation of chatbots, and highlights our intention to leverage AI in numerous future projects due to its transformative impact. 

The Rise of AI-powered Chatbots

Conversational chatbots are transforming how organizations interact with their customers and users. AI-powered chatbots, in particular, have revolutionized customer support, online assistance, “chat-commerce”, content generation and information retrieval. These chatbots leverage AI algorithms and language models (LLMs) to understand and respond to user queries and conversations in a human-like manner. The advent of advanced language models, such as OpenAI’s ChatGPT, has significantly improved the quality and efficacy of these conversational agents and we are using it more and more to improve the solutions we deliver to our clients. This includes fine-tuning existing LLMs like ChatGPT using client datasets to train the bot to provide responses that are relevant to the client’s own products, services or use-case.

The Impact of ChatGPT

ChatGPT represents a groundbreaking development in AI language models. It possesses the ability to understand and generate human-like text, enabling more natural and contextually relevant conversations. Its vast training data and knowledge base stretching to billions of data inputs empower chatbots to engage in sophisticated dialogues, provide accurate information, and offer personalized assistance. Chatbots can integrate with different front-end applications such as an app, website or WhatsApp.

Utilising ChatGPT for Chatbot Development

Recognizing the potential of AI-powered chatbots, we have embraced ChatGPT to create conversational agents that deliver enhanced user experiences. By leveraging the power of ChatGPT, we can build chatbots capable of understanding complex user queries, adapting to different conversational styles, and providing intelligent responses. We do this by fine-tuning ChatGPT 3 da Vinci using custom datasets based on the specific requirements, use cases and knowledge bank of our clients. This technology enables organizations to offer real-time support, streamline processes, improve sales and improve customer satisfaction. We used this same ingenuity to build a chatbot for Kwanele after doing some in-depth research and focus groups to inform the language model. The bot won the 2nd Prize (and $30,000 in prize money) in The Mozilla Foundation’s Ethical AI Challenge in San Francisco in May 2023. We are very proud because the competition was so fierce - there were over 240 entries for this challenge from 46 countries.

Expanding the Impact on Future Projects

The transformative impact of AI, especially through technologies like ChatGPT, has prompted organizations to consider its application in various domains beyond chatbots. Recognizing the potential of AI to solve complex problems and enhance decision-making processes, we provide advice and recommendations to our clients on the right solution for their use case.

From healthcare and education to finance and environmental sustainability, AI can help develop solutions that address critical challenges. By harnessing the power of AI, organizations can automate tasks, gain valuable insights from vast datasets, and optimize operations. The flexibility and adaptability of AI models make them invaluable tools for innovation and progress.

Ethical Considerations and Responsible AI

While embracing AI's power, it is crucial to recognize the ethical implications and ensure responsible AI practices. Transparency, fairness, and accountability should guide the development and deployment of AI systems. We prioritize co-creation, data privacy, algorithmic transparency, developing guardrails and bias mitigation to build trustworthy and reliable AI-powered solutions.


With the advent of LLM and technologies like ChatGPT, AI has unleashed tremendous potential in the realm of chatbots and beyond. Its ability to comprehend human language, generate contextually relevant responses, and deliver personalized experiences has transformed user interactions and customer support. The success of AI-powered chatbots has spurred the intention to harness AI in numerous future projects, creating solutions that drive progress across various sectors. As we continue to explore the possibilities of AI, we understand that it is crucial to do so responsibly, adhering to ethical considerations and ensuring a positive and inclusive impact on society. 

Give us a shout so we can talk you through how we can use the power of AI to improve your product offering.

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