Database and Content Hosting

Database and Content Hosting Services.

Nurture your brain

Nearly all apps require algorithms, processing functions, databases, APIs, administration panels, reporting, content storage and third-party integrations that need to be hosted somewhere. The app is usually a relatively small part of the solutions we build – it’s "just" the front end to capture and display content. The real thinking is being done by the brains in the cloud.

It is essential to the success of your app that your hosting solution is secure, high-performing and scalable. The risks of a security breach, slow performance or a crashing app are devastating for all apps. With the advent of legislation such as POPI and GDPR app owners have a lot more responsibility over protecting user data.

The good news is that there are many low-cost cloud-based hosting options available such as AWS, Azure and Google Cloud Services that can provide the world-class security, backup, performance and scalability that your app requires. We are familiar with various types of databases, including MySQL and Postgres, and services such as Firebase, Supabase and MongoDB. We’re familiar with low-code backend tools such as headless CMS’ (we like Strapi), Postman, Retool and Swagger. In the AI space, we know how to use Pinecone, LangChain, LlamaIndex,, machine learning and datalakes. Our team of excellent backend engineers are familiar with Node.JS, Python, MySQL, Javascript and Angular to build your high-performance, secure backend solution.

We provide a range of hosting solutions for our clients on our cloud service provider accounts or setting it up on their servers, whether dedicated or shared. We can create and configure the infrastructure such as creating development and deployment environments, managing security protocols, installing SSL certificates, automating back-ups, performing vulnerability testing, monitoring performance and downtime, ensuring POPI and GDPR Compliance etc. Reliable hosting is crucial for modern apps, requiring robust infrastructure and secure storage. Security, performance, and scalability are paramount.

Laptop showing the work we do
Work With Us

Have a project? Let’s Work Together!

We design, develop and help you to launch apps, websites and bots.
